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Fang is a mysterious woman who is working with the Sanctum military machine despite begetting the mark of the detested l'Cie. Potent-minded and disinclined to mince words, she has the demeanor of someone wholly unconcerned by life's trivialities.

Booklet Clarification

Oerba Yun Fang is a playable character in Final Fantasy XIII who appears equally a non-playable graphic symbol in Last Fantasy XIII-2 and every bit a temporary party fellow member in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy Thirteen. Her full proper noun stands for "Fang of the Yun association, from the village of Oerba".

In Last Fantasy Thirteen, Fang is introduced as a Gran Pulse fifty'Cie working with a sectionalization of the Sanctum'south military under unknown pretenses. A stiff adult female surrounded by mysteries and driven past a personal agenda, Fang aims to complete her Focus to save her childhood friend from a fate worse than death.

In Final Fantasy Thirteen-2, Fang appears alongside Vanille in Serah Farron's dreamworld.

In Lightning Returns: Terminal Fantasy Thirteen, Fang is the leader of a lodge of bandits based in the Dead Dunes called Monoculus, and in search of an important relic.


  • 1 Profile
    • 1.1 Appearance
    • 1.two Personality
  • 2 Story
    • two.1 Final Fantasy XIII Episode Nix -Promise-
    • 2.2 Final Fantasy XIII
    • 2.3 Final Fantasy Xiii -Episode i-
    • 2.4 Final Fantasy Xiii-2
    • 2.five Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy Thirteen
    • ii.6 Terminal Fantasy XIII: Reminiscence -tracer of memories-
  • 3 Gameplay
  • four Musical themes
  • 5 Other appearances
  • six Behind the scenes
    • six.i Voice
  • 7 Trade
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 Etymology and symbolism
  • 10 References

Profile [ ]

Advent [ ]

Oerba Yun Fang.

Fang has olive skin and wavy night hair with a complect behind her left ear. Fang has green eyes, a beauty marking beneath her right eye, and wears regal hook-shaped earrings. She has scars on her correct arm and shoulder and wears a blue garb resembling a traditional Indian sari adorned with tribal accessories. Fang wears a black bra top, blackness sleeves over her forearms, tan leather open-toed articulatio genus-high boots, and two fur pelts hanging from a cord beneath the belt that holds her spear. Fang has the l'Cie brand on her right shoulder and a big tattoo on the other that somewhat resembles the ii-pronged tip of her weapon, the Bladed Lance. Different the other fifty'Cie whose brands are black and progress, Fang'due south brand is white and static.

Personality [ ]

Yous want to continue animate? Shut upwards and come repose.

Fang, while acumen Snow

Fang's render in Lightning Returns.

Fang is cocky, confident, and stubborn, and like Lightning, is sarcastic, determined, and contained, but insecure whenever talking most her past. She has a quick wit and a dry sense of humor and can exist strict. Despite coming across every bit proud and assuming, Fang has a compassionate side, peculiarly towards Vanille, whom Fang would protect past any means. She cares greatly about her friends, willing to accept extreme measures to protect them. In Final Fantasy Xiii Episode Zero -Promise-, Lightning comments on Fang having a "wild fearlessness to her", and indeed, Fang never backs downwardly from a fight regardless of her opponent. She as well has a potent belief in Lady Luck.

In Terminal Fantasy XIII-2, Fang doesn't undergo whatsoever meaning change and remains virtually the aforementioned. In Lightning Returns: Terminal Fantasy Xiii, Fang notwithstanding greatly cares about Vanille simply seems to take become detached and resigned towards the world'southward condition and the new status quo. She at present also comes across as occasionally hesitant every bit she looks unsure what to do, not equally sure of things equally she was formerly.

Story [ ]

Concluding Fantasy Xiii Episode Nothing -Promise- [ ]

At present, don't you worry. I'll come up and find you, no thing where you go.

Fang to Vanille

Fang wakes from crystal stasis with no memories of her past.

Fang and Vanille hail from the village of Oerba on Gran Pulse. During the War of Transgression betwixt Pulse and Cocoon, Fang and Vanille lost their families at the hands of Cocoon'southward 50'Cie and fal'Cie and befriended at Oerba's orphanage. Fang begrudged Oerba'south patron fal'Cie, Anima, for failing to protect the people of Gran Pulse, and agreed to the ceremony of being made Anima'due south 50'Cie equally a way to go shut plenty to confront it. Fang had an outburst in Anima'south chamber and was going to exist put to expiry for blasphemy by the Oerba priests. Vanille, who was next in line to exist branded a l'Cie, shielded Fang and begged for her life to exist spared, offering her own to complete their Focus together so that they would never exist apart. Together, Fang and Vanille gained the power to become the fauna Ragnarok to fulfill their Focus to destroy Cocoon.

Vanille feared the ability bestowed upon them, and Fang became Ragnarok alone to complete their Focus. Fang'southward Ragnarok cracked Cocoon's shell, and, taking pity on the people of Cocoon, the goddess Etro intervened and crystallized Vanille and Fang before they could complete their Focus. Fang and Vanille's crystallized forms concluded up in the Pulse Vestige, Anima's resting place. In the state of war's aftermath, Cocoon's fal'Cie raided Pulse for materials to fix Cocoon's damage, and the crystallized Fang and Vanille were brought into the floating world.

Fang and Vanille'south threat causes Kujata to make Dajh a l'Cie.

Hundreds of years later, Fang and Vanille awaken from crystal stasis. Fang awakens with no retentiveness of the past events dealing with Ragnarok. Vanille lies nigh also losing her memory and bears the brunt of Ragnarok to spare Fang the guilt. Fang finds her fifty'Cie brand scorched and unchanging; yet, Vanille'south is still active. Over the next two days, Fang tries to remember their Focus to preclude Vanille from becoming a Cie'thursday, a crystalline monster a l'Cie transforms into upon failing their Focus.

Within the Vestige, Fang and Vanille discover an unconscious Serah, a local Cocoonian girl, transformed into a l'Cie. They have her outside and lookout over her until she regains consciousness and leaves. Fang thinks their Focus has something to do with attacking Cocoon, and two days later, using stolen ID cards, they lath a train to Euride Gorge to see its fal'Cie, Kujata. Fang proposes she and Vanille assail it to restore their memories, but before they tin can make their move, Sazh Katzroy's son, Dajh, happens upon them. Kujata senses Fang and Vanille's threat and brands Dajh a Sanctum 50'Cie. Realizing the depth of the situation, the two abscond before Sazh finds them.

Fang forces Vanille to escape the Euride Gorge Free energy Institute.

Sanctum troops flood the facility, and Fang forces Vanille to escape alone. Fang fights off their pursuers and returns to the town of Bodhum, but the Cavalry captures her the side by side day. They bring her aboard their balloon, the Lindblum, and meets Sanctum official and Cavalry leader, Cid Raines, who explains the Cavalry stands apart from PSICOM, the army tasked with protecting Cocoon from Pulse. Captain Rygdea reveals the Cavalry helped her escape Euride Gorge, and he makes a deal with Fang to search for Vanille. When Rygdea returns from Bodhum empty-handed the following day, Fang is not surprised he did not notice her.

Fang asks Lebreau almost Vanille.

In the four days since the Euride Gorge incident, Fang stays on the Lindblum to avoid capture, but worries she is wasting Vanille's fourth dimension by not resuming her search. Ii days afterward, Fang revisits the Vestige while still in contact with the Cavalry and, unknown to her, just misses Vanille. Fang, warned of PSICOM's presence by Rygdea, retreats to the Bodhum embankment café and watches the annual fireworks display. After she is called dorsum to the Lindblum, the Sanctum announces PSICOM discovered Anima within the Vestige, and the Sanctum will Purge everyone in the quarantined area.

Knowing Vanille will be herded onto a Purge train, Fang has Raines and Rygdea help her rescue Vanille in commutation for the promise she and Vanille will aid them have down the Sanctum, the fal'Cie-guided government of Cocoon. Two days later, afterward the last Purge train leaves Bodhum, the Lindblum lands on the surface of Lake Bresha, and Fang rides in an airship with Rygdea to the Purge train's destination: the Hanging Edge.

Concluding Fantasy XIII [ ]

I've got a few screws loose, merely I'k a l'Cie, aforementioned as y'all. Difference being... I wasn't built-in on Cocoon. I'm from Gran Pulse. The 'earth below' you all hate then much. My partner and I'd turned to crystal there and gone to sleep. But when nosotros came around, here we were. The reason Cocoon's in an uproar is the same reason you're here now. Vanille and I woke upwardly.

Fang to Lightning

Fang, Rygdea, and the Cavalry capture Snow.

During the Purge, Anima and the Pulse Vestige are destroyed, and Vanille and her newly-branded l'Cie companions: Lightning, Sazh, Snowfall, and Hope, are cast downwards to the at present-crystallized Lake Bresha. As they escape PSICOM, their conflict regarding their shared Focus splits the group upwards. Snow stays behind to dig out Serah'south now-crystallized body, while Lightning leads the others out of the lake to outdistance PSICOM. When Fang arrives with Rygdea and several Cavalry troops, she only finds Snow guarding his crystallized fiancée confronting a PSICOM assail.

Afterward Snowfall tames his Eidolon, the Shiva Sisters, Fang orders the Cavalry to capture him and take Serah'due south crystal with them. Aboard the Lindblum Raines tells Snow of the Sanctum's plan to publicly execute the fifty'Cie one time they are captured and leaves Snow no option just to aid him find the others. Fang explains to Snowfall that she is hunting downwards the l'Cie but doesn't divulge her connexion to Vanille.

Fang and Lightning hash out their fate.

The Lindblum flies out to Palumpolum where Fang and Snow rescue Lightning and Promise from the Sanctum'southward attack. They divide upward as Snow leaves with Hope and Fang with Lightning, keeping in contact with wireless communicators. After deciding on Hope's home in Felix Heights as their rendezvous point, Fang reveals her origins to Lightning. She also discloses that she and Vanille were indirectly responsible for Lightning's sister Serah becoming a fifty'Cie, as Anima sought a replacement after seeing Fang and Vanille neglecting their Focus.

Fang and Lightning realize Pulse and Cocoon are more like than they initially thought in how both worlds feared and hated the other, but Fang is willing to be an enemy of Cocoon if it will salvage Vanille. Fang explains how a l'Cie's brand shows the time they have until they transform into Cie'th and how stiff emotions tin hasten the process. Fang reassures Lightning that Serah will come up out of crystal stasis 1 day.

Passing PSICOM Warmechs alarm them that Snow and Hope are in trouble and detect them just in time to aid the latter fight an Ushumgal Subjugator. They go into hiding in Promise'south home and accept refuge with his male parent, Bartholomew Estheim. As they try to figure out how to deal with the Sanctum, PSICOM forces led by Yaag Rosch attack the house, but Rygdea arrives with Cavalry troops disguised equally PSICOM soldiers and saves them. The Cavalry leads the party onto the Lindblum, where they learn PSICOM captured Vanille and Sazh in Nautilus, and are at present bringing the captives aboard the Palamecia to Eden for a public execution.

Fang reunites with Vanille.

With the Cavalry'southward assist, the group infiltrates the Palamecia to rescue the prisoners, and Fang and Vanille are reunited. Fang checks the progression of Vanille'due south make and is relieved she even so has time left. They confront the Sanctum Primarch, Galenth Dysley, who reveals his true form as the fal'Cie Barthandelus, the true ruler of Cocoon. Later defeating him, they learn their Focus: to destroy Cocoon by changing into Ragnarok and destroying Orphan, the fal'Cie sustaining Cocoon. While the rest of the party is coming to terms with their chore's gravity, Fang is troubled by Barthandelus taunting her for forgetting her Focus. The group escapes using an airship that Dysley left behind and crashes into the Fifth Ark hidden beneath Eden.

Fang's confused rage summons Bahamut.

In the Ark, the party'due south 50'Cie powers are fully awakened. They run across Cid Raines, revealed to have been a Sanctum l'Cie branded by Barthandelus all along, with the Focus to help them destroy Cocoon. Raines explains the Cocoon fal'Cie desire Cocoon'south destruction to call back the Maker and remake the world. To defy his fal'Cie master, Cid attacks the group to kill them and stop the fal'Cie'southward plan. The party defeats Raines, and he unexpectedly turns to crystal. While Raines's sacrifice inspires the residuum to vow to fight their Focus too, Fang turns against them, willing to "nail Cocoon out of the heaven" if it ways saving her friends from turning Cie'th. Her Eidolon, Bahamut, manifests, and subsequently taming information technology, Fang relents and agrees to help search for a manner to defy their Focus and wipe their brands clean. A path to the Ark'due south lowest level reveals itself, and they board an old Pulsian airship and wing through a gate to Gran Pulse.

After emerging in Pulse's atmosphere, a wyvern attacks the airship. Fang summons Bahamut and saves the others with Lightning'south help. With the Vallis Media equally their base of operations campsite, the party spends days searching Pulse for answers just comes up empty-handed. Hope's brand advances, and he falls unconscious. Vanille suggests returning to Oerba, and after Hope comes to, he urges the others to get without him. His Eidolon Alexander appears, and Fang and Lightning help him tame it. The party'south faith is renewed, and everyone decides to journey to Oerba together.

In the Paddra ruins in the Yaschas Massif, Fang and Vanille tell the others about their role in the State of war of Transgression. Fang remains puzzled over having entered crystal stasis despite not doing anything in the war, but Vanille continues lying to hide her guilt.

Fang comforts Vanille.

The group crosses the Archylte Steppe, and in the Font of Namva, Fang apologizes to Sazh for her part in what happened to Dajh. He forgives her, ultimately blaming himself for not watching his son. The group enters the Mah'habara Subterra where they stop briefly in the Flower-filled Fissure. Fang lies to Vanille almost remembering her Focus to coax a confession out of her, which signals the appearance of Vanille'due south Eidolon, Hecatoncheir, making Fang realize Vanille had always remembered their Focus. Subsequently taming the Eidolon, Fang reveals she suspected Vanille ever since they awoke in Cocoon merely assures she isn't angry with her and that they no longer just have each other: they now take a new family unit.

After passing through the Sulyya Springs and climbing Taejin'southward Tower, Fang and Vanille are shocked to run into Oerba abased and dilapidated. The party rides a sheathing down to Oerba'southward outskirts and navigates its Cie'th-infested ruins. They meet Barthandelus, who claims he has bundled for Cocoon'due south destruction even without the Pulse l'Cie's assistance by resurrecting Raines equally the new Primarch and tricking the Cavalry into going after Orphan. After defeating him again, the party heads to Eden to stop his plan.

Fang transforms into an incomplete Ragnarok to kill Orphan.

After Sazh pilots an airship into the Eden One thousand Prix, the party ambushes the metropolis with their Eidolons and heads for Orphan's Cradle where they find members of the Cavalry turned into Cie'th. Equally Fang falls under pressure, Vanille proposes they promise to protect Cocoon every bit their new dwelling. After defeating Barthandelus in the Narthex, Orphan rises from its pool and tortures Vanille to make Fang become Ragnarok, claiming that calling back the Maker to remake the world is the simply salvation available for them. Fang yields and Orphan releases Vanille. Fang tries to attack Vanille, but the others stop her.

Everyone except Fang and Vanille transforms into Cie'thursday, and they assault Fang. Fang'southward brand reactivates, and she transforms into an incomplete Ragnarok. She attacks Orphan but only breaks the protective barrier effectually the fal'Cie before reverting. To force Fang to become Ragnarok once more and finish the job, Orphan tortures her in an agonizing cycle of being attacked and then healed. The rest of the party relive the memories of everything they went through and turn dorsum to humans. Fang begs Vanille to run, but she refuses and prepares to face Orphan. The others attack the fal'Cie, and it sinks back into its pool, releasing Fang from Orphan'due south clutches. Together, they resolve to defeat Orphan for good, not to destroy Cocoon, simply to save it; with that promise, all of their l'Cie brands turn white.

Fang and Vanille are crystallized after saving Cocoon.

With Orphan'due south devastation, Orphan'southward Cradle vanishes, and the political party is left floating over Eden as Cocoon begins to autumn. As Lightning, Promise, Sazh, and Snow float away, Fang and Vanille sacrifice themselves to save Cocoon past condign Ragnarok. Ragnarok surrounds Cocoon with lava and summons the crystal grit from Oerba to crystallize Cocoon, the pillar of lava, and Fang and Vanille. The crystallized Cocoon is left erect over Pulse supported by an enormous crystal pillar. On Pulse, the others awaken from their brief crystal stasis to find non just their brands wiped clean, just Serah and Dajh safely returned to them. Fang and Vanille's crystallized bodies remain within the pillar'due south cadre, holding hands in crystal sleep.

Last Fantasy XIII -Episode i- [ ]

Don't even think of trying to aid united states of america, or bring u.s.a. back, or whatever stupid programme yous might come with. Don't you dare. Y'all worry about yourselves, you lot hear me?

Fang to Lightning and Snow

While in crystal slumber, Fang and Vanille lament the events. Seeing Dajh smiling helps Fang forgive herself for the Euride Gorge incident. Fang wants Serah to forgive her, and Vanille reassures she is a kind person and, therefore, she volition. With the responsibility of supporting Cocoon, Fang does not mind wasting away in a deep sleep as long as Vanille is with her. They feel the goddess grinning at them, and Fang feels missing pieces of her memory returning, although she nevertheless cannot remember everything. Looking down upon her friends, Fang knows Snow and Lightning will want to relieve her and Vanille despite her trying to tell them non to.

Final Fantasy 13-2 [ ]

Nosotros've come up to pull yous out of this fantasy of yours.

Fang to Serah

Inside the colonnade, Fang wonders why Lightning is protecting Etro in Valhalla. Fang believes Etro is a cruel goddess who sends the Eidolons to dispose of her l'Cie. Seeing that Lightning has no way out of Valhalla, the middle world between the mortal earth and the unseen realm of the dead, Fang urges Serah to heed to her heart every bit she might hear Lightning's vocalisation that mode. Fang sees Snow is determined to get to the Coliseum for her and Vanille's sake and wishes that, instead of worrying almost them, he would help reunite Serah and Lightning.

Fang and Vanille appear to assistance Serah escape from her dream.

In Serah's dream in the Void Beyond, Fang meets Serah and says she and Vanille have come to save her from being trapped in the endless dream Caius Ballad put her in. Fang creates a infinite-time distortion and tells Serah she needs to help someone else before condign trapped in an endless dream himself, whom Serah figures to be Noel Kreiss. Vanille and Fang disappear, leaving the portal to lead Serah to Noel. Subsequently missing her chance to apologize to Serah for her role in Serah'southward transformation into a l'Cie, Fang does so and vows she and Vanille will repay their debts by holding up Cocoon. She tells Serah to help Lightning and bargain with Caius. In the twelvemonth 500 AF, Promise, Sazh, and the Academy safely remove the crystal holding Fang and Vanille from the pillar just earlier Cocoon falls.

Lightning Returns: Concluding Fantasy Xiii [ ]

Perfect timing. Glad you could make it. Took you long plenty, didn't it?

Fang to Lightning

Fang reunites with Lightning.

Four hundred and fourscore-seven years later, Fang and Vanille awoke from crystal stasis in Nova Chrysalia, the world formed after Valhalla merged with Gran Pulse. After being institute by Lumina, a mysterious girl who resembles Serah, the Order of Conservancy in Luxerion took them in and revered Vanille every bit the "sacred ane" they waited on for centuries.

Afterward a few years of living under the Order'due south intendance, Fang grew to distrust those in the upper ranks, deeming the Social club just interested in Vanille for her newfound ability to hear the dead. Fang learned of the Soulsong, a ritual to purify the expressionless at the cost of Vanille's life, but when she tried to become Vanille to prophylactic, she was shocked to learn her friend was willing to sacrifice herself to requite the dead peace. As Vanille stayed behind out of guilt for the deaths they had caused in the past, Fang escaped to the Expressionless Dunes, where she took charge of a band of thieves chosen Monoculus to find the relic the Club needs for the Soulsong: the holy clavis. For the side by side four or five years, Fang establish herself competing with the Order'south Secutors, who besides seek the clavis.

Thirteen years after Fang awoke from crystal stasis, the Apocalypse is fast approaching. Lightning comes out of crystal stasis and is chosen to be the savior by the god Bhunivelze. When Fang's acquaintance Adonis brings Lightning to her as a recruit, they reunite as Fang kept tabs on Lightning since her inflow to the Dead Dunes. Due to Lightning's status as the savior, Fang enlists her aid to achieve the Temple Ruins beneath the desert.

Fang and Lightning detect murals depicting humans being created by the deity Lindzei from Etro's spilled blood to use them equally tools of the gods, like how Bhunivelze is using Vanille through the Society. Another mural shows Bhunivelze, who saves pure souls and banishes the dead, believing them to be tainted. Fang tells Lightning the Order wants the clavis for the Soulsong, revealing Vanille'south motivation to seek atonement by saving the spirits of the dead from their suffering inside the Chaos.

Lightning and Fang find the clavis.

Upon finding the clavis, Lightning prevents Fang from destroying it, and the Secutors deadfall the two. As Fang and Lightning deal with a Grendel the Secutors unleash on them, the Order's agents escape with the clavis. Fang tells Lightning the full story of Vanille's intent to sacrifice herself, along with how she wanted to proceed the clavis away from her while ensuring Lightning is not an agent of the Social club. Lumina appears and taunts Fang for non trusting Lightning and using her, revealing she was the ane who led the Secutors to their location. After Lumina says Vanille will perform the Soulsong on the world'due south concluding twenty-four hour period and destroy the dead, Lightning says but Fang can save Vanille. Fang decides to disband Monoculus while promising to come across Lightning at Luxerion on the last mean solar day.

On the twenty-four hours of the Apocalypse, along with Noel and Snow, Fang infiltrates the Luxerion Cathedral to save Vanille earlier facing a Chimera. Joined past Lightning, she learns Vanille tin guide the dead and enable their rebirth in the new world Bhunivelze is crafting. The Guild's truthful objective is to destroy the dead with the Soulsong and erase the living's memories of them, "purifying" them of their burdened pasts so they can start in the new world with a clean slate, which is what Bhunivelze wanted all forth. Once Fang and Lightning find Vanille on the altar in God'south Sanctum amongst performing the anniversary, they reveal the truth the Order hid from her.

Fang helps Vanille guide the dead to be reborn in the new world.

Later Vanille learns that the dead want to be reborn, Fang offers to help her guide the souls to the Ark. The Order's high priestess refuses the others to thwart the Soulsong and commences the ritual. Fang lends her spear to Snow to destroy the clavis and obliterate the high priestess. One time she and Vanille guide the dead to the Ark, Fang receives closure as the noble act saves her soul aslope Vanille'due south. Bhunivelze uses Hope's torso to capture Fang, Vanille, Noel, and Snow, just Fang returns to help Lightning in defeating the god. She witnesses Nova Chrysalia's end before accompanying her friends to the new world to begin life afresh.

Final Fantasy 13: Reminiscence -tracer of memories- [ ]

The Society exploited Vanille'due south feelings. They welcomed Vanille into the Cathedral, fed her pretty lies, things she wanted to hear. She'due south the type to accept everything seriously, and she believed everything they told her, never suspecting anything. She took information technology into her head that she could help everyone so long equally she did whatsoever the Guild wanted.


Fang and Vanille stay together in the new world and movement to an arid region near a remote village in an area total of cattle ranches and rocky wilderness. The pair makes their abode amid abased ruins as they "remind them of home". A reporter named Aoede interviews them on her quest to uncover the truth behind people'due south latent memories of another globe. Though Fang is initially common cold toward her, the 2 discuss how they saved Cocoon and remained in crystal sleep for centuries; how Promise salvaged their crystal before the crystal pillar shattered; and how the organisation he formed, the Conseil de Renaissance, safeguarded them.

When they awoke, Hope disappeared, and they fell under the Guild's watchful centre. They spent the next few years under the group's care, which were, as Fang puts information technology, "the easiest days of our lives". The pair don't know why they awoke from crystal stasis simply speculate it to exist the work of either Bhunivelze or Lumina, whom Fang describes as a brat who was "Anarchy personified" and was fastened to Vanille for some reason.

Fang says that many of the Society's followers were decent people who treated her and Vanille well. However, those in the upper echelons were rotten garbage, who exploited Vanille'southward desire to help the suffering populace and atone for the past to command her. The Order told Vanille what she wanted to hear and made her believe that she could assistance everyone past doing whatever the Club desired. Fang explains the Society would've erased everyone's memories of the by if Lightning hadn't saved them. When Aoede gets excited from hearing about Lightning's heroics and expresses wanting to thank her in person, Vanille and Fang assure her Lightning'south wish for the world has come true if everyone is content with living in the new earth.

Spoilers end hither.

Gameplay [ ]

Fang in battle in Terminal Fantasy XIII.

Fang is a playable character in Final Fantasy XIII who likewise appears equally a invitee in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. She is a solid physical assailant who also specializes in defending and inflicting condition ailments on opponents. She wields a double-bladed spear, and her signature attack is a jump assail called Highwind. In Concluding Fantasy 13, Fang consistently has the strongest physical attack power, making her an excellent Commando. Fang's Eidolon is the non-elemental Bahamut that takes flight in his Gestalt Mode.

Fang is the just grapheme who rides a chocobo sidesaddle. Although in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning also rides sidesaddle if she wears a dress.

Though Fang's eidolith may resemble the shape of a fang, her crystal in Final Fantasy XIII-2 when used as an adornment for monsters is called "Crystal Petal". The "Treasure Hunter" trophy/achievement uses Fang's crystal.

In Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Fang aids Lightning in battle every bit an uncontrollable guest graphic symbol. It is impossible to notice her stats directly, and as she doesn't have an HP gauge, she can't be KO'd in boxing.

Musical themes [ ]

"Fang's Theme"


In Terminal Fantasy XIII, "Fang'southward Theme" is a short and uplifting orchestral piece. It contains a minor variant of the central battle theme, "Blinded By Lite", and plays at many points during the game.

Two rearrangements of her theme: include the 2d version of "The Pulse l'Cie", which plays during her flashback of the fifth day, and "Dust to Dust", a sad theme with vocals that plays when Fang tells Lightning about her by in Palumpolum, and as Oerba's groundwork theme.

In Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, Fang has a new leitmotif titled "Fang'southward Theme ~The Boss~", an orchestral piece containing a haunting chorus that plays during moments in the Expressionless Dunes' cloak-and-dagger maze.

Other appearances [ ]

Fang has appeared in the following games throughout the Terminal Fantasy series:

  • Dissidia 012 Concluding Fantasy as a cameo.
  • Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia equally a playable graphic symbol.
  • Pictlogica Final Fantasy as a playable character.
  • Last Fantasy Airborne Brigade equally a Legend and a playable graphic symbol.
  • Concluding Fantasy Artniks equally a serial of cards.
  • Final Fantasy Tape Keeper as a playable character.
  • Final Fantasy Brave Exvius as a summonable vision.
  • Mobius Final Fantasy as an power card.
  • Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as a series of cards.
  • Triple Triad every bit a series of cards.

Behind the scenes [ ]

Concept fine art of Fang.

Fang was originally written as a male graphic symbol.[2] Early in evolution, Lightning was meant to exist a flirtatious character with more than sex appeal but these traits were transferred to Fang to make Lightning a more serious character.[ii] Character designer Tetsuya Nomura has stated that when compared to the other characters personality-wise, Fang is stronger than Lightning and more than stubborn than Snow.

Manager Motomu Toriyama stated that since Final Fantasy XIII i of Fang's defining characteristics is her willingness to do whatsoever is necessary to protect Vanille. In Lightning Returns she seems resigned, which is the nighttime side of her eye. She is more hesitant, as though she fears the consequences of her actions.[three]

Photograph of Fang and Vanille in Oerba.

1 can find a photo of Vanille and Fang in Oerba on a table in the house where Bhakti is, as proof of their past being on Gran Pulse.

Fang is the only playable character not present in Affiliate one. She briefly appears in Snowfall'southward flashback at the end of Affiliate 2 and makes her first proper appearance well-nigh the end of Affiliate three; therefore, making Fang the just political party fellow member who wasn't in the Purge and the only playable character non present in the player's party in Chapter ane. If one turns on subtitles and speaker names at the start of Chapter 7, Fang'southward name appears when she talks, merely her Datalog entry still doesn't brandish her name. Different Vanille'due south, no ane speaks Fang'south full name in the starting time game, although after reuniting with her in Lightning Returns, Hope calls Fang by her full proper noun when talking about her with Lightning.

The Last Fantasy Xiii Ultimania Omega has a l'Cie brand progression nautical chart FFXIII lCie brand progression chart from FFXIII Ultimania Omega that shows the progression of each l'Cie'south make, as well as the events that brand the brands accelerate. Fang's brand is static, halted at stage 12 until she turns into Ragnarok in Orphan's Cradle, at which bespeak the brand becomes active over again and enters stage xiii. Her betrayal makes everyone but Vanille'due south brands advance to phase 13 equally well and turns them into Cie'thursday. Fang returning to her human form makes the make white again, and it's erased later her prolonged crystal stasis while holding up Cocoon in the pillar.

Spoilers finish here.

Voice [ ]

Fang'south Japanese voice actress is Mabuki Andou, while her English voice actress is Rachel Robinson. Robinson also provided voice for Holly Whyte from Bravely Default.

Fang and Vanille speak with a different accent from the rest of the political party. In the Japanese version, this is the Okinawan dialect of Japanese, and in the English localization, they speak with an Australian emphasis. The idea to cast 2 characters with an Australian accent came from the localization team, who requested the voice directing team to wait for either Australian or New Zealand sounding voices. The team wanted Fang and Vanille to sound like they're from another world, simply more in the sense of their voices having a different melody rather than a thick emphasis.[4]

Fang shares a boxing quote with Rikku from Final Fantasy Ten: "It's all in the wrist!"

Trade [ ]

An activity figure of Fang was released as a role of the Play Arts series.

Gallery [ ]

Etymology and symbolism [ ]

In Korean yun ways "allow, consent" or, "soft, sleek". In Chinese, the name yun ways "deject". The Yun in Fang's name may refer to Zhao Yun (or Chou Un in on'yomi), a Chinese state of war general well-known during the era of the Three Kingdoms and is a pop graphic symbol every bit portrayed in adaptations of the novel loosely-based on the said period, Romance of the Three Kingdoms; Zhao Yun in those instances was well-known for wielding a spear with great skill.

The characters of Fang and Vanille are based on the Ragnarok myth of Líf ("life") and Lífþrasir ("eager for life")—the only humans who will survive Ragnarok. They sleep through the destruction of the globe and, upon awakening, will find the globe verdant again. Líf and Lífþrasir will become the progenitors of a new race of humans, and their descendants will inhabit the world. This concept is coinciding with the initial thought that envisioned Fang every bit a male grapheme.

References [ ]

  1. 1.0 i.1 Final Fantasy XII Scenario Ultimania, p.030
  2. two.0 2.1 Tanaka, John (2009, Oct 21). "Final Fantasy XIII Update". From IGN. Archived from the original on 6 Apr, 2021.
  3. Lightning Returns: Last Fantasy Xiii Collector's Edition Guide p.341
  4. http://world wide web.ff-xiii.cyberspace/index.php?page=content&name_id=podcast


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