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Can I Use Monistat on My Dog's Skin?

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Long Term Effects of Using Miconazole Nitrate (Monistat) on Scalp?

  • Thread starter winniebread
  • Start appointment
  • #1
Has anyone checked into the long term effects of using Miconazole Nitrate (Monistat) on the scalp? Although I have seen some good results from one person's pictures, I must admit it sounds a piffling bizarre. While I'one thousand down for experimentation I'm just wondering if anyone looked into this? Don't nosotros demand a certain corporeality of bacteria on our peel (including scalp) to protect it and keep it counterbalanced? Could using MN for months at a time cause damage over the long run?

Can anyone offer insight on this?

  • #2
As much equally I would like to try this out, I am sorely agape that I might get encephalon prison cell damage or some other concluding disease. Is there a natural form of MN that's not chemically altered and can be used on hair?
  • #four
Has anyone checked into the long term effects of using Miconazole Nitrate (Monistat) on the scalp? Although I have seen some expert results from ane person's pictures, I must admit information technology sounds a fiddling bizarre. While I'yard down for experimentation I'm just wondering if anyone looked into this? Don't we need a certain corporeality of bacteria on our pare (including scalp) to protect it and keep it balanced? Could using MN for months at a time cause harm over the long run?

Tin can anyone offer insight on this?

Miconozole Nitrate is an anti-fungal, not antibacterial.
If you do a google search, you can find some studies pertaining to its utilise. I take seen in the past, I believe HoneyDew or someone posted links in at to the lowest degree 1 of the many threads on this subject. I am not sure how long term the studies are. I retrieve most people don't intend to apply it long term. HTH
  • #8
Miconozole Nitrate is an anti-fungal, not antibacterial.
If you do a google search, you can discover some studies pertaining to its use. I take seen in the past, I believe HoneyDew or someone posted links in at to the lowest degree one of the many threads on this subject area. I am non certain how long term the studies are. I call up about people don't intend to employ it long term. HTH

I agree and hither is a link likewise that tells more near it and hair growth.
http://world wide
  • #9
I was seriously considering using mn. I was in my local health store yesterday and started talking to the owner about pilus etc. I was using ultra hair plus due west/msm and gaining weight so changed to the westward/o msm version. Anyway.....I brought up the subject of mn, he was bald. This is is what he told me....he used mn for a period of time (months) and woke upwardly one day with no feeling in one side of his face up....he went to the doc, he had Bell's Palsey! He said DON'T use it on your head....catamenia. Too many unknowns!!! Just thought I'd share....
  • #x
I was seriously considering using mn. I was in my local health store yesterday and started talking to the possessor well-nigh pilus etc. I was using ultra hair plus w/msm and gaining weight so changed to the w/o msm version. Anyway.....I brought up the field of study of mn, he was bald. This is is what he told me....he used mn for a period of time (months) and woke up one mean solar day with no feeling in one side of his face....he went to the doctor, he had Bell'due south Palsey! He said DON'T use information technology on your head....catamenia. As well many unknowns!!! But thought I'd share....

Seems like Herpes may cause BP or an infection

Some viruses are thought to establish a persistent (or latent) infection without symptoms, due east.g. the Zoster virus of the face[3] and Epstein-Barr viruses, both of the herpes family. Reactivation of an existing (dormant) viral infection has been suggested[4] every bit cause behind the acute Bell's palsy. Studies[5] advise that this new activation could be preceded by trauma, environmental factors, and metabolic or emotional disorders, thus suggesting that stress - emotional stress, ecology stress (e.g. cold), concrete stress (e.thousand. trauma) - in short, a host of different conditions, may trigger reactivation

  • #11
I'm a last year medical educatee... non challenge that my discussion is gospel but my knowledge about mn is that the active part is the nitrate. Nitrates are vasodilators which ways they open up upwardly blood vessels and encourage blood flow where they are applied. People here have often referred to MN every bit an oxidising agent, non strictly truthful...simply in the sense that more oxygen reaches you scalp when used as outlined in a higher place. Similarly people who have center attacks are given nitrates to encourage claret catamenia to the heart. Bong'due south paulsy is unlikely to exist related... HTH but my humble 2 cents...
  • #12
Nothing will make your pilus grow any faster than what it is going to grow. Save your money and eat right and do.
  • #xiii
MN is the truth! No long term furnishings for me simply longer hair.
  • #fourteen
Goose egg will brand your hair grow whatever faster than what information technology is going to grow. Salvage your money and consume right and exercise.

I disagree, if your hair is clean and you create the correct environment (by increasing claret flow, with the right proteins etc) you can optimise the speed of hair growth. Just as if you don't consume right or are anemic for example your pilus volition abound slower.
  • #fifteen
I was wondering the same thing:/
Terminal edited:
Ms. Thujone
  • #18
Nothing will make your hair grow whatever faster than what information technology is going to abound. Save your money and eat right and exercise.

Um, there are many of people that would beg to differ.....Practise yous have proof/facts to dorsum this up?...Nope, y'all sure don't. This is a blanket statement & is VERY untrue. I had 12 inches of NEW GROWTH in eight/2010 (non including what I take trimmed so far) and it hasn't been 2 yrs since I went natural once again (xi/2008). This rapid growth is due to the vitamins & herbs I take taken internally. (hair grows 6in/yr:0.5in/mo)

I did not use any growth oils or scalp treatments either. I wish I had, I would definitely have even more growth. I would love to find something to use externally to my scalp, only I have yet to discover anything worth trying or buying. I have a VERY open listen, if this MN is working for these ladies then good for them. I may not exist brave plenty to endeavour information technology myself but I wont sit up here & say information technology doesn't work just because it sounds far fetched.

  • #19
I just recently started using MN, trying to make full in a breakage spot. I don't plan on using it for more so 90 days at a fourth dimension( if that long).
  • #21
I just started using it once a week (three or 4 times and so far). So far my scalp is healthier and no dandruff. I don't know yet if it's helping my growth.
  • #22
I havent had whatsoever side effects....I guess i assumed if i could apply it in the "area" its supposed to become in so i could use information technology anywher (but then again i could exist wrong lol)
  • #24
I am not certain why people continually question the rubber of MN. It was adult every bit a topical treatment for skin assimilation. Your torso will non differentiate between placement on genitals or on your caput. In either case, its however used topically as an anti-fungal.

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